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Getting Started


The following section will detail the different commands of darklua. You can also get a list of the available commands and options using the command line tool itself, simply run:

darklua help

To get help on a specific command, simply append --help (or -h) to the command name. For example, to get help on the process command:

darklua process --help


The process command is similar to the minify command: it takes an input path and generates code at the output path. This command will apply rules (the default rules or the one given in the configuration file) to each Lua file.

darklua process <input-path> <output-path>

optional arguments:
  -c, --config <path>
  Path to a configuration file


If you have a src folder that contains a bunch of Lua scripts (files ending with .lua), you can process all the files with the default configuration (or with the configuration file located in the same folder where you are running the command) into a new folder called processed-src using the following command:

darklua process src processed-src

If a configuration file is found in the folder where the command is run, darklua will automatically use it. If your configuration file is not named .darklua.json or .darklua.json5, or not located in the folder where you are running the command, you must specify it with the --config argument:

darklua process src processed-src --config ./path/config.json
# or the shorter version:
darklua process src processed-src -c ./path/config.json


This command takes a data file and converts it to a Lua file. If no output path is provided, the Lua code will be printed to the console.

The supported data formats are: json, json5, yaml or toml.

darklua convert <input-path> [output-path]

optional arguments:
  -f, --format {json, yaml, toml}


This command reads Lua code and reformats it to reduce the size of the code, measured in total bytes. The input path can be a single file name or a directory name. Given a directory, darklua will find all Lua files under that directory and output them following the same hierarchy.

darklua minify <input-path> <output-path>

optional arguments:
  --column-span <number>
  The maximum number of characters that should be written on a line


If you have a src folder that contains a bunch of Lua scripts (files ending with .lua), you can generate the minified version of these Lua scripts into a new folder called minified-src using the following command:

darklua minify src minified-src