DocumentationTry itGitHub



If you are already using Foreman, then installing darklua is as simple as adding this line in the foreman.toml file:

darklua = { github = "seaofvoices/darklua", version = "=0.13.1" }

Download a Release

Pre-built binaries are also available in the releases page on GitHub. Download the appropriate file for you OS and unzip it, then place the executable where it makes sense for you.

If you are unfamiliar with command line tools and not sure where to start, search how to place the executable so that you can run it from anywhere (for example on windows or mac)


If you are familiar with the Rust environment, you can also build darklua from source using cargo.

cargo install darklua

If you want to use the lastest darklua available, install it using the git url:

cargo install --git https://github.com/seaofvoices/darklua.git

Other package managers

darklua is available in some third-party package managers. These packages are primarily supported by the community.

Packaging status via Repology